Our web site is secured with a 256-bit digital certificate supplied by Sectigo, making sure that no-one can intercept any details you share with us. You can click on the padlock you'll see in your browser's address bar (near the top of the screen) to see more information on this.
We fully conform to the lastest payment industry PCI standards and use Elavon for all our credit card transactions, ensuring that your credit card information is totally secure.
Any personal information about you stored at Outdoorkit is held in our secure database, hosted by one of the World's leading hosting companies, ANS. All sensitive information is encypted and protected by several layers of security, all of which is constantly monitored by ANS.
If you have any concerns or further questions, please contact us and we'll be happy to set your mind at ease.
And don't forget, if you're nervous about using your credit card details online, we're always happy to take your order over the phone!